In need of real indepth tutorial of the Query/Filter blocks using custom post type, custom taxonomies and ACF

Hi @ShannaKae,

two things, you are using the ACF field key, and im not exactly sure where the difference precisely lyes, but as far as i know, Cwicly compares the field name.


So try switching that.

The second thing is that you are useing true and false instead of

That’s perfectly fine, by the way, but in some ways not foolproof!

As already mentioned here Check for empty field in meta query and other true and false are values that php registers and are not easily (foolproof) comparable. While true still works in most cases, false may need to be compared diffrently, for example with empy.

So if you would like to go with true and false, use this for false:


and this for true:


And the part about profile and profiles is most likely your post type definition and nothing to worry about.
I personally always use either the plural or the singular for both values for all post types.


Hope this helps
