Image size does not get set without activating class in component inner blocks


When I add an image to a component inner blocks


and set the width and height of the image


it doesn’t get set in the css

until I activate the class


If I place the image outside of a component anywhere in the document it works without activiating the class.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.3
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4

Hi @Louis,

After updating to CC I regenerated the HTML and CSS and suddenly parts of my layout are broken. As I dug into it I realized that the images in Inner Blocks all have the same default class name and now the individual styles overwrite each other:


I don’t understand why this effect didn’t show before regeneration?! But maybe this has also something todo with the problems I described above.

What I do is, I copy the whole component with the image in an inner block and change the styling. This worked until regeneration when I activated the class in the image as described earlier.

