How will interaction scale?

From old feedback: How will interaction scale? | Cwicly

When investigating and looking ahead for interaction, I am still not sure how interactions will scale to more event type in the future.

Currently, we have click/tab (great start!). One can add multiple actions to an event.

There is no repeater interface for different types of events downline the line like mouse over, mouse out etc.

Here is a potential list of events that could be candidates: MouseEvent:‘mousedown’, ‘mouseup’, ‘click’, ‘dblclick’, ‘mouseover’, ‘mousewheel’, ‘mouseout’, ‘contextmenu’, ‘mousemove’, TouchEvent: ‘touchstart’, ‘touchmove’, ‘touchend’, ‘touchcancel’, KeyboardEvent: ‘keydown’, ‘keypress’, ‘keyup’, FormEvents: ‘focus’, ‘blur’, ‘change’, ‘submit’

As you already did, grouping them like click/touch is probably what people expect. So, the above list might be a bit to low level. But, then again, event can be all sorts of things down the line, like intersection observer events (enter/exit viewport etc.). Very powerful!

I added some screenshots with the current interface. I also added a screenshot of how Hype manages a glancable overview. The types of nested repeaters are necessary, but shouldn’t overwhelm. Interesting point and food for thought.

Attached images

Would love to see mousemove at some time.

Did you ever consider to implement gsap or is/was that no option at all ever?
It’s just so powerful.
Compared to its features it’s tiny in size.

Pinegrow uses it and is a really amazing WP solution as well.

Would love to hear some background info why decided against it or why not decided for it.
Some more info about the future of Cwicly interactions would also be appreciated.
In which direction is Cwicly heading roughly with the interactions feature?

Hi @Marius,

Yes gsap was/is seriously considered.
There are quite a few dormant functions inside Cwicly that are ready to accommodate it, as I initially planned to have all scroll animations triggered by their Scroll Trigger (it had just come out when Cwicly was being developed).

What has currently stopped me with moving forward with interactions in a whole is the lack of interaction in the editor. This is definitely something that is required in a visual builder and the current solution we’ve provided just doesn’t fit the bill.

Interactions are a vital necessity for me, and something I’ve always wanted in a visual builder. Once we have the mega menu and filter block out of the way, I will come back here and detail the next steps I have planned for them.