How to switch between single blog post and query template when selecting filters?

I set up a blog archive with categories, tags and search filter in a sidebar (column) and the query in a separate side-aligned query-template in a column. It is working beautifully. Now when I click on a blog post in the query it then takes me back to a single-template with the blog post.

I want to avoid the back-button and keep the layout dynamic and switch between the query-view with the listing (without post content) and the single view of a blog post - when user clicks on the filters or starts typing or in any case activates a filter generally (ie. range slider, color chooser and so on).

I basically want to combine blog archive and single view dynamically with frontend rendering. I think pajax could achieve this.

There are probably numerous ways to go about this.

Does anyone have a good solution ?


Well I managed. I will write about a solution tomorrow or some other day.