How to edit the site Logo in FSE to bring it in dynamically

I’m trying to set up my header and want to bring in my logo. In old themes you could just set it under “site identity” … but there seems to be no such thing in FSE , although there seems to be the option to bring Site Logo dynamically (see picture attached)

Am I missing something , where do I set this up

It is indeed a bit hidden, but it does exist :wink:
Go to the Cwicly’s Getting Started “tunnel”, select level and theme, then you get these options:

Thank you yankiara … I see it gives me an option for site icon … I’m asusming that’s the favicon … I still don’t see a “logo” or is that considered the site logo

FYI for the Cwicly team

the logo doc page is not working

Yes, it seems everyone out there uses a different name, but it’s the same :wink:

Alternatively you can use online tools to generate more compliant favicons, since the one in WP is not that standard. Sometimes I use this:

If you consider to follow @yankiara’s suggestion of the online tool, here is a quick tutorial: