How to attach virtual (previously additional) classes to blocks?

Just want to leave this here:

My final recommendation:

Spend time and learn Cwicly.
Not talking about a couple of hours.
Read the forum, watch the YouTube videos.

Forget what you know about other builders.
It will prevent you to discover the full power of Cwicly.

It’s not a builder to learn.
It’s the concept which you need to understand.
While it’s not something completely different, some general approaches are.

In case you see in Cwicly just another builder, then yes. I can follow your thoughts completely.

I totally get your point regarding unifying global and external classes.
The issue I see here, they work differently inside the builder (while technically they are the same on front-end), so it wouldn’t make much sense to have them in the same dropdown.

In my opinion, it would confuse more than it would improve.
But when people find, it makes much more sense to them…
Maybe this can be made available as an option?

Why not checking out what other users think by creating a feedback thread?

In my opinion, there is too much logic behind it and too many possible scenarios, which will lead into issues.
Everything makes perfect sense as it currently is, but wouldn’t vote against anything, as long it’s optional.