Highlight the block when we are styling the block

Currently, when I hover over the blocks on the navigator, it shows the outline of the block.


When I hovered over the block on the canvas, it didn’t show the outline until I clicked on the block. But the outline disappeared when I started styling it. So it would be easy to lose focus and confuse where we’re styling.

It would be great if the outline stays as long as we’re styling the block like this.


As you can see, the outline stays as long as we style the element.
This would make the visual editing experience better.

Any feedback is welcome. :wink:

It looks like in Bricks, you’re clicking on edit column whereas in your Cwicly video you are clicking in your navigation list.
To me Cwicly’s behaviour is correct for the navigation but it is true that perhaps the outline should stay in Cwicly when we click in its editing sidebar to give better clue of edited element.

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Hi @jornes,

Thanks for the suggestion.
We’re currently not applying any modifications to Gutenberg’s behaviour with blocks and how it shows selection/highlighting.
Definitely something to look into and explore further.

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Noted on this, @Louis

Alright. Let’s see if others have any feedback about this. :+1:

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Hi @jornes,

The reason I mention Gutenberg defaults is because this is already implemented in the Site Editor if I’m not mistaken.
Since moving the Post editor to iFrame is currently in the works (confirmed by Gutenberg team), it might be a good option to see what comes out of that.