Happy Files not working in Cwicly


Happy Files Pro Version 1.7 is not clickable/interactable inside Cwicly Editor. Will let Happy Files author know as well.

Please write a brief description of the bug you’re experiencing, including what you expect should happen and what is currently happening.

Happy Files works on dashboard, but when attempting to add media from within Cwicly editor, Happy Files is not clickable at all. It shows on the left side but nothing is clickable.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

Please write the steps needed to reproduce the bug.

  1. Open the Post Editor/Site Editor

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Insert Images, Videos or GIFs


Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.0.1
  • Gutenberg Plugin version: -
  • Cwicly Plugin version:
  • Cwicly Theme version: 1.0.3

Hello @penatech,

May I ask if you have tried using Happy Files with the core image block?
Do you get the same result or is it specifically with Cwicly you’re experiencing this issue?


I just finished attempting with the core media/image block (non-cwicly).

Yes, it also happens with the core media block. I believe whenever the “Select or Upload Media” modal window pops up, it also loads Happy Files and that is causing some friction within Cwicly somewhere. Let me send you another screencast:

Please let me know if you need access :slight_smile:

Investigating further, I have activated the default twenty twenty two theme and disabled the cwicly plugin. I am able to finally select and interact with the Happy Files section on the media select modal.


This is happening because of the class .modal.
We’ll make our rules more specific.

Thanks for the report.

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Merci Louis! You guys don’t stop developing, you are a machine! I love it :smiley:

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Hello @penatech,

This should be fixed in

Thanks for reporting this once again!

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