Global Styles not applied in Editor


In global styles I defined my headings in the “Custom” section so that I can use Heading Classes like .h3 in my design.

But when I now apply the class .h3 to a <h2> heading the .h3 styling does not get applied. The heading still looks like a <h2>.
In the frontend it works. There my <h2> heading now looks like a H3 heading.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: latest
  • Cwicly Plugin version: latest
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Hi @Jonas,

I believe you are right about this one and I was easily able to replicate it.

Hello @Louis,

I did some quick checking and it appears that this is a specificity issue caused by the way Cwicly is parsing the custom rules and adding them to the .editor-styles-wrapper

Effectively, it is only prefixing .editor-styles-wrapper for the first selector in the rule, any further comma delimited selectors are not being prefixed which is causing them to be lower specificity.

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 22.51.33

Hopefully the fix is as simple as splitting by comma first prefixing each selector and then joining again by comma (while avoiding any issues with commas in attribute strings, etc).

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