Global settings section for paddings issue

First, the editor does not recognize changes, with some tricky clicks it does then finally (I thought that that has already been solved in a previous version)

Second, changing settings for one of the breakpoints (e.g. for mobile), overrides the changes made for the other one each time

@Louis @Araminta any update on this? This issue is currently an obstruction, as I am not able to adjust the global paddings to the breakpoints, and fluid is not available as a workaroundā€¦

Currently we are using global classes for sections with the padding/margin in, specifically because of this issue, so it will be very good for this to work with responsive values.

Hi @FZwo,

These settings were originally introduced to overwrite defaults we had set for the Section block (which only concerned Desktop).

I can understand the need to make this responsive, which will be included in the next update.


GreatšŸ˜€ another option I now implemented amid this, just inserted fluid padding and margins there via clamp, it worked

Hi @FZwo,

Thanks for your patience on this one. should address this.

If you have any trouble or queries related to this specific addition, Iā€™d be grateful if you could let me know here.

Thanks in advance.