Get and display DATA from JSON,API,CSV, XML, remote databases

Hi ,

Would be great to have in Cwicly the possibility to get/insert dynamic fields in templates/components not only from ACF and database, but also from CSV, JSON, XML, remote database… ( example: Builderius ).

DATA AGNOSTIC import/display in CWICLY it’s a must-have feature and would be a game-changer.

Thanks Louis for your great work!

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Related. Show Data from ANY Rest-API in Query-Block

Getting and displaying dynamic data in Wordpress from various sources ( WPDB, JSON, API, CSV, XML, remote mySql ) became very easy with GraphQL

I would like to see GraphQL integration in Qwicly but optimized for WordPress.
GraphQL has unmatched flexibility and performance and is used by industry leaders as Facebook and Github.

Although not supported natively by Cwicly. Here is a tip on how to achieve it by leveraging Cwicly’s tight intergration with ACF: Show and Style Dynamic Data from ANY Source with Cwicly