Generated Shell don't show up in Inserter

Hey there,

a freshly generated shell doesn’t show up in the inserter on another block. Unfortunately reloading the site doesn’t help. Duplicating the block makes the shell available on the duplicated block, but still not on other blocks.

When selecting the 1st button

When selecting the 2nd button


This helped me in some instances, but shouldn’t be required either.
Something is going on here, thanks for posting.

I misread the post, the created shells weren’t visible inside the class modal and only appeared after a page reload. So this is probably not related.

Does it show in the classes?


Yes, @T-low is correct.

In order to select an existing Shell, you use the + button to open the Class dialog. The other button is a “Convert to Shell” button and its purpose is only to generate a new Shell.

You can see other Shells in there that are already added to the current block as a shortcut, those are the only ones that will appear in the Convert to Shell dialog.

Hi @Wolfgang,

As @StrangeTech rightly pointed out, it seems you might be confusing the functionality of the Convert to shell.

To clarify, only shells currently applied to the block will appear in the Shell list of the Convert to shell modal.
I invite you to think of the Convert to shell modal as a quick way to add all classes and shells on the current block within another shell.
You are actively shelling, not adding a shell to the block.

This is exactly demonstrated in your provided screenshots, where the ‘Button dark’ shell only appears in the list, as it is currently applied to the block.

To add a pre-existing shell to a block, please use the +/Class selector where you should see all your available Shells.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions on this.