[General ]Modified indicators missing in UI

This might be related to this one:
Block reset does not work consistently - Bugs - Cwicly

Not sure how the progress is there, but I thought I quickly go through all properties (default only, no RS or Pseudos) and check what’s missing.
Due to the new UI, and specifically the new expandable sub-categories, some inconsistencies appeared. This is especially important, as I always close these sub-categories after applying a value.
In fact, they are specifically designed to do so.

There are issues in the Primary tab as well, but I’m exclude that here, as it’s a WIP?
Sometimes they are also not clickable to remove styles/options.

I’m creating this topic now to add it here, as I think this important and should work reliably in any way.




They work in certain scenarios, dependent on which values are applied for specific properties.
For example, the modification indicator for “More options” is only displayed when white-space, word-break and overflow-wrap comes with a value applied at once.
It does not work when only one or two of these properties have values are applied.

In addition, list-style-type also do not work for the main category “Typography”.



These do not work at all.


Activating a toggle does not trigger the indicator. That’s fine, because no value has been added yet, so no property is.
This is different with “Preserve 3D”, as it’s applying an actual value.
UI wise, this is also a bit confusing.

Maybe this should rather be in a category with backface-visibility and transform-origin?
In case you plan to revisit this area to refine the UI (adapt it to the new approach, etc.), please do not waste time on that.
Toggling the Preserve 3D option should trigger the modified indicator though.


It could also be considered to add them here to quickly reset the value, independent of the applied styles.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version: beta-5
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Hello @Marius,

Thanks for sharing this detailed bug report.
Indeed, quite a few WIPs that will be addressed before the stable release.

The transform properties and similar ones do need a refactor in logic, as you pointed out in another thread. I’m not quite sure when we will introduce this as it will have to carefully be backwards compatible.

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Hey @Louis.

Thanks for addressing this so quickly, much appreciated :blush:
I’ve checked them all and have some remarks.

This one slipped through while the panel indicator for Background works now:



Happy to see these added, but shouldn’t they be placed next to the label, not the input?
Sorry if I confused you with the image :see_no_evil:

Additional question:
Is it planned to add a reset function for these types too?


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Thanks for pointing out the last few things that slipped through!

I’m in two minds about this one.
Having it place on the pseudo label could imply that you’re resetting the whole pseudo? That’s why I thought your initial screenshot arrows were quite well position.
What do you think?

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Exactly my thoughts @Louis, but wouldn’t it be rather confusing to have the same option available twice at the same row with 2 different options/icons?
One could see it the other way and interpret it as a kind of confirmation that the blue dot only clears the one value, because there is a dedicated option to clear the entire element right next to it.

With the current solution, it also doesn’t follow the general UI approach.
I actually don’t mind, and I certainly get used to it.
Currently, it still looks a bit odd to me.

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Hey @Louis.

I believe the missing parts have been addressed in 1.4.2.
Unless you have something else in mind, this can be marked as fixed.
Since the last update, the blue dot at the Pseudos is also in the imo right place :face_with_peeking_eye:

Thank you once again for your time and patience.


Hey @Marius,

Thanks for all your input on this one :wink:

I have been wanting to mark it as fixed, just waiting for these last missing ones to be added before we can finally move this to Fixed Bugs.