Fluid typography (and maybe spacing) with CSS Clamp

My vote for mixed fluid & type scale in global settings, as well as spaces :slight_smile:
I personnally use the same system as Utopia.fyi to define a global “skin” with body/hN font-sizes and paddings/margins/gaps.

I admit manual fluid font size per block is already awesome for specific situations on the page :wink:

Hi all,

A quick BUMP to check if this is still in the pipes…?

New color system almost killed my entire color SCSS :slight_smile:
But I still need some heavy calculations for fluid stuff I use scales and variables.

I use my own SCSS function for creating clamp functions for typography and spacing, but it would be nice if it was integrated in Cwicly. I’m looking forward to the Tailwind integration, but as I understand, it doesn’t use fluid typography and spacing. I’m not sure if it’s that big of a deal, or if it’s more of a novelty. I love fluid text and spacing, but I got along just fine without it for most of my 25+ year career. At least Tailwind lets you define each breakpoint via classes, so you don’t have to actually switch to each breakpoint to define each property.