Filtering different Meta Query with same URL parameter

Hi All!

I would like to ask how can i filtering more than one metakey with one URL parameter using Filter block and Query Block?

Thats my case, i got two ACF field, one with the minimum number and one with the maximum number.
When user searching for a number (for example: 5), query block should search for products / post that min <= 5 AND max >= 5, however, i found that if i do it in query block, it will show the products / post only fit for max >= 5 (in my case i set min meta query first and max meta query after).

Therefore, can anyone please help? or giving any alternative suggest for me?

Thanks for your great help :slight_smile:

Hello @business.circledeer,

Thanks for bringing this up.

Indeed, it isn’t currently possible to associate different query parameters to a single URL parameter.
There is logic already in place inside the Filter block to accommodate modifying/adding multiple URL parameters at the same time when select one filter option.
This would allow you to set up your Query parameters as usual (with one URL target for each filterable property), and then set multiple URL parameters to one filter block option so that they get added at the same time.

What do you think of this proposition?

Hi @Louis ,

Thanks for bringing this up. May i know how to adding multiple URL parameters at the same time?

In this case, i would like to set up two URL parameters (venue-person AND venue-person-2) at the same time, could you please advise how to do it?


Hi @business.circledeer,

Sorry, I might have been unclear.
While the logic is in place, we haven’t yet activated the option (this requires child options).
You can me briefly talking about this here: Cwicly 1.1.9 - Filter block - YouTube

Hi @Louis ,

Thanks for your reply. So i will need to wait for the update after your side to activate this option? May i know if there is any plan to release it shortly?
