Filter block → include + default

hello, Heroes, i want to report a issue about filter block which i met today,

i have three filter block

  1. filter type is select with taxonomy options and a “default” placeholder

  2. filter: user input form search text

  3. filter: reset button

when i click reset button,
the query list are working very well.
the only small issue is : the select options can not get back to “default”.

Hi @qiang814k,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue on my end.

To investigate further, I have set up a demo instance.
Please log in with this, and see the Filter placeholder test page.

Feel free to modify anything, to see if the issue is reproducible.

Thank you in advance.

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i think it is because i set a default option of parent category,

Filter placeholder test – cwiclydemo (

Thank you for getting back to me, @qiang814k.

In fact, the issue seems to occur when including taxonomies with a default set.
Including taxonomies with a placeholder doesn’t seem to cause the issue.

Rest assured, we’ll find a fix for this as soon as possible.

I’ll modify the title of this thread, so that the team can keep a better track of it.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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@Araminta This related bug has already been reported here: