From old feedback:
Please show always the block settings when clicking on an element (at least if clicked at the list view)
From old feedback:
Please show always the block settings when clicking on an element (at least if clicked at the list view)
Not sure what the original intent behind this request was.
However, I’d like to add that it would be very helpful if when we clicked on any block that it immediately took us to the block inspector panel for that block.
This is especially an issue if we’re editing a global class. Unless you specifically click the block inspector icon to open that panel, it will remain in the global classes panel, showing the global stylesheets.
On a few occasions, I’ve edited a global class, by accident, after clicking on a different block and immediately trying to edit its properties.
Hi @Louis,
Based on how I am reading the post, this seems like it has been the default behaviour for a long time, unless of course the panel has been closed, which seems to be good practice.
If so, it can be marked as done
Hello @StrangeTech,
Thanks for bringing this up!
I also believe this has been the case for quite some time.
Moving to done.