Editor Options Panel - Show/Hide Cwicly Modals

Could someone please explain what the “Show/Hide Cwicly Modals” setting actually does?
This is the setting located on the Options Panel inside the Editor.

Good question.

I remember thinking that show/hide Cwicly modals allowed you to toggle the visibility of Modal blocks so you don’t have them taking room up in the canvas while editing, but I have tested and the setting doesn’t have any visible effect as far as I can see, so I am also curious about this.

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Hello @webworx,

Thanks for bringing this up.

As @StrangeTech mentions, this setting is meant to hide modals on the backend when you don’t want them to take up unnecessary space.
There is currently a bug preventing this functionality from applying.
We’ll make sure to have this fixed in the next update.

Thanks for your understanding.


Hello there,

This was fixed in
Thanks for the report once again.


Hi Louis,
Dale Smith here (webworx = me),
Thanks for this…Cwicly is simply - awesome!..and, getting more so every day!
I’m not alone when I express how much you and your team are appreciated for your dedication to delivering the very best website building experience! :pray: