I have a video Element with Relative Styling to set a specific width for each breakpoint. This works in the frontend but in the editor it doens not because the styles seem to override each other in the wrong order:
There is a class applied to the video block that does relative styling for the video element in the wrapper to do a cover layout. Then I adjust the witdh in the relative style for every breakpoint:
I activated the Tailwind breakpoints. So, mobile first:
I began working on this prior to where the missing TW base breakpoint was added.
It works differently than in a browser. As you can see in the Styles Inspector tab in the second image, the min-width: 648px breakpoint overrides the min-width: 768px breakpoint even though the editor is in md: 951px width. So both breakpoints apply but the larger one should override the smaller one.
And this is what is not done correclty here. But in the frontend in a browser (Edge in this case) the order (and layout) is correct: