Editing paragraphs has become cumbersome

just as follows:
marking a part of a paragraph within the editor, deleting (via backspace) or overwriting the marked part of text does not have any effect. One now has to doubleclick somewhere within the text ob be able to delete some text or write something.

This is really annoying and slowing down my editing process

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Hi @FZwo,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue on my end (tested on Chrome, Safari and Firefox):


Could you possibly share a screencast of your issue and provide more information?
This will allow me to better understand and attempt to reproduce the error on my end.

Thank you in advance.

I tried it now with chrome, and it works fine that’s true. I am normally working with edge, just retested, seems to be an issue only with edge (on Mac). Could you recheck that pls.?

I’ve experienced something similar in Firefox on Mac. I never thought it could be Cwicly related though.

I’ll see if I can figure out a pattern the next time it happens.

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Thank you for confirming it works as expected on Chrome, @FZwo.

Sorry to hear you’ve also experienced trouble with this @sunny.
We would really appreciate if you could let us know if you find a reproducible way to trigger this issue.

Just tested in Edge, and all seems to be working as expected on my end:


Once again, if you could possibly share what you are experiencing on your end, it would help me have a clearer understanding of the problem.

Thank you in advance.

I have to correct myself. It is the same with chrome, just do this: open a page with paragraphs. Do mark the whole text within that paragraph. Trying now to type or delete something is not possible. This is not the case with ordinary Gutenberg paragraph blocks

Just as a note: I am not able to make a vid of that, because a vid of something that does not happen does not show anything;-)

I was able to replicate this only once, randomly. Doing the identical steps it worked normally every other time.

@FZwo, please can you test triple-clicking on the paragraph vs drag-selecting it, to see if that makes a difference.

yes, it does, in case multiple click to mark the whole paragraph, it does work

Unfortunately I am still unable to reproduce this error.

To get a better understanding of the issue, @FZwo could you possibly provide clarification by answering the following questions:

  • Can you consistently reproduce this error, or does it occur randomly as mentioned by @StrangeTech?

  • Does this error occur consistently across all installations, or is it specific to a particular installation?

  • Does the error consistently appear in every editor (post, template, and template part editors), or is it limited to a specific editor?

  • Does the error appear consistently in every mentioned browser, or specifically Chrome?

  • Are you using a Mac or Microsoft OS?

Thank you in advance.

  • Can you consistently reproduce this error, or does it occur randomly as mentioned by @StrangeTech? Consistantly
  • Does this error occur consistently across all installations, or is it specific to a particular installation? accross any installation
  • Does the error consistently appear in every editor (post, template, and template part editors), or is it limited to a specific editor? I tested it for pages, posts and cpts, all the same error
  • Does the error appear consistently in every mentioned browser, or specifically Chrome? Chrome and Edge, no difference
  • Are you using a Mac or Microsoft OS? Mac OS

Hello @FZwo,

I’m sorry to read you’ve been having trouble with this.
While I’m not able to reproduce this behaviour on my side, I have been experiencing trouble with our text blocks’ selection being intrusive. We have a fix coming later today/tomorrow that should address this.
In the meantime, if you are available at some point today, please don’t hesitate to send me a private message so that I can send you a sandbox link to see if it fixes your issue.

Thanks for your patience on this one.


Issue seems to be solved by latest update

Hi @FZwo,

Thank you for letting us know that has solved this issue on your end.

If you encounter any more trouble, feel free to let us know by replying to this thread.