Editing footer or header not possible if canvas is wrong size


Wordpress 6.5 works fine, updating to 6.6 and this happen.

  1. Open Footer or Header for editing.
  2. If the canvas is too big the background will scroll up repeatedly. It stops if I open panels so the canvas get smaller or resize the browser window. Can also be seen on smaller breakpoints.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

I am facing the same issue on one of my websites, and on another website, the editor canvas is showing up very small.

+1 here, facing the same issue. Changing “force iframe” to true at least centers the window, but still flopping around :wink:

Downgraded to 6.5 where it works.


Hello @Rodgeir,

Thanks for the report. My apologies for the trouble here.

We are aware of the issue and will be posting a quick fix for this early tomorrow.

Sorry to hear this, @kane. The screenshot seems to suggest you are on WordPress 6.6 that doesn’t have the latest version of Cwicly. Can you confirm it is the latest version?


The issue was resolved after I updated CWICLY.

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Hello @Rodgeir and @Wolfgang,

This should be fixed in

I’d be grateful if you could let me know if you still experience trouble on your end once updated.

Thanks for letting me know the update fixed things on your side, @kane.


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Updated to Looks like it is fixed.