Dynamic preview search not working when WPML is installed

Product list:

WPML language url settings:

Dynamic preview

Without dynamic preview loaded it’s not possible to work with Woo templates. Other sites without WPML installed, work perfectly.

Hi @Audrius,

We are currently developing a WooCommerce website with WPML without the “Use directory for default language” ticked and the dynamic preview dropdown correctly displays for us.

Perhaps you can try with that unticked and see if it is the cause of the issue, or if not, it may be a completely different factor.

WPML have released an update today. They have fixed this bug and Dynamic preview started to work. But now there is another problem.

Now Cwicly is not working at all, when “Different languages in directories” is set in WPML.

The only way to run WPML and Cwicly now, is to set WPML language as url parameter.
I’m not sure, if it’s Cwicly or WPML, or WP itself, but it’s a bug. :slight_smile: