Dynamic link bug

Dear admin

I create Breadcum for Post Template. “Post Archive URL” Not working correctly. By default it redirects to the homepage.

Thank you !

Hello @NHViet,

I don’t think this is a bug.

If you are referring to the Archive URL for the post type Post, then it is the setting specific at: /wp-admin/options-reading.php → Posts page

Dear Louis

As to your setup, all posts are redirected by default to the blog site. That’s not an exact Breadcum.
For example, I create post A in category A, the Url will be: https://Domain/categoryA/PostA. When I click on categoryA above Breadcum, it will redirect to that CategoryA folder, not the default WordPress Blog page

Thank you !

Hello @NHViet,

I think you are looking to use the Taxonomy Terms block more than the Archive URL link.

In this instance, the Archive link will always be the Post Type archive link, which is a default WordPress function.

Dear Louis

I understand. But I can’t find Taxonomy term in Dynamic link. I want to create an exact breadcum using Taxonomy ( Categories) for Post template. Is there any way to add Taxonomy term to dynamic link?

Thank you !

Have you had a look at this? I do think this is what you are looking for.

Dear Louis

What I mean is how to link links to Categories (link in the form of Button/text is like a dynamic link)

Thank you !

Hello @NHViet,

That is what the Taxonomy Terms block is for (you can simply use a paragraph block with a dynamic link)

Dear Louis

I use Slim Seo breadcum creation function. With Cwicly creating a full breadcum is a bit complicated

Please close topic. Thank you !

I have the same problem.

When I add a paragraph block with dynamic showing the post category, this works. But I want to link to the category and that does not work. When I use the link function it always only links the the homepage, not to the category…

Any chance that this will be fixed?

Hi @Fatalix,

Sorry for not replying earlier.

I’ll take a look at this in the coming days to offer an easy way to link to the primary/first term that is applied to the post.

Thanks for your patience!

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Hi @Louis

I face the same situation. I have a C’s paragraph block, use the data inserter to display the post category, then I wanted to link to the category using Archive URL or Post Archive URl. Both link back to the main page of the blog page instead of linking it to the category.

I tried using Taxonomy Block, but it is still the same.

Hi @Louis
Is this been overlooked? Hope to get a fix for this.

Hello @jornes,

While the specific issue hasn’t been addressed for the Post Archive URL, the Taxonomy Terms block should work without any issue.

For example (Hello world! post) → https://app.instawp.io/wordpress-auto-login?site=$2y$10$ykaBkpKJAs9R6hGlmr704eK7Kh7KurgLF3QUgPiF.AolOVSz4Vd4u

Thank you for the response @Louis .
As said above, it works fine to show the category of the post, but unable to link to the category no matter how I tried. I watched the video about the Taxonomy Terms block, but it didn’t help much.

It’s the same even if I use the Taxonomy Terms block.

But did you click on the headings? They are linking to the category… It’s all there in the sandbox I linked to.

It opens the Wp dashboard when I click on the link.

Where do I see the sample?

As specified in the post → https://us-echidna-xeci.instawp.xyz/index.php/2022/07/23/hello-world/

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Ah I see. I missed this.

I didn’t think it worked with the Taxonomy term.

It works now.
Thank you @Louis

Anyway, It could be confusing for others as well, I believe.