I would like to have the possibility to select the color fields values from dynamic data.
An option would be like in Oxygen or Bricks, where in custom attributes, when selecting the dynamic value to be able to input an appending text. For example, attribute field name “style” and then value selecting the ACF field with the color picker AND input an appending text like “color:” or “background-color:” which will fill the appropriate data while rendering in the front end.
This is how it is now.
Well … I was too quick to say I will try that
Where do I input the above code as static input? Tried directly in the text color field, css section of the block and can’t figure that out.
Thank you.
You’ll want to use a static attribute, with style as the name and a dynamic selector as the value.
In your case, the value will be something like: background:{acfrepeater=colour}