Does parts and fragments sync together?

i used to create a header and a footer section in “parts” and then add them into 2 separate fragments for header and footer.
Today i had to modify something in my header (an item in the nav), so i went to change the “part”.
But when i opened my site, i had nothing changed in my nav.

So i opened the “fragment” and i could see there that my nav item had not changed. So i changed it here and everything looked good on frontend.

My question is : am i doing things wrong ? should i create only fragment for header / footer and no need to create parts ?

I really struggle to work out what the correct way is to manage header and footer as well!

@pomilo and @iamkeef,

Quick summary:

Fragments are defined regions that you can place Parts into. These are Cwicly specific and you can use Visibility conditions to determine when and where they will be shown.

Parts are (sub-)templates that contain blocks. They can either be dropped directly into templates (standard WordPress FSE) or be added to Fragments to be managed from a single place.

The benefits of using Fragments is the additional layer of visibility control that Cwicly provides and the ability to manage these separately from the templates themselves, making the site easier to administrate and maintain.

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ok, so if i design a part, and put it into a fragment, then when i make a change on the part it should sync with the par tinside the fragment, right @StrangeTech ?

Yes, exactly. Changes to a part should be reflected everywhere that part is used. If you don’t immediately see the changes on the frontend it could be a caching issue.