Did you change anything in the last update regarding the Repeater -> Slider -> Slide -> Lightbox?


I am experimenting with strange behavior in my Lightbox links on a Repeater slider.
Everything was working great before the last updates from yesterday.

In the new pages, I created since the update, when I click on one slide to open the image in the Lightbox, the lightbox displays only and always the first slide image.
On a page existing before the update, which was working fine before, the lightbox displays a fallback image instead of the image.

Did anyone experience the same issue?
Could that be a new bug?

Let me know,


Hi @JuGa,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce your issue.

I have set up a test instance here (in the Repeater post): https://app.instawp.io/wordpress-auto-login?site=$2y$10$WLQse6I3W0SFk/Akq6L1Uu/4eRv4/1eSiGPMeBOKEA//HEJtsK8xK

Feel free to tweak the repeater to your exact setup and see if the error reappears.

Thank you in advance.

Thank you @Araminta, as I was playing with the instance you sent, I might have understood what happened.

For some reason, the Lightbox link was set on the Featured Image instead of the Repeater Image field.
Which of course couldn’t work. Luckily it was in a template so there is not much to update.

I don’t think it was set like this before as it was working fine.
Do you think the last update, which included an update of the Repeater Block condition, could have reset the Link/Action/Lightbox?

Anyway, the problem is solved!

Thank you again,


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