Default Section width settings? / too many UI changes

I must say it is quite confusing that Cwicly changes its design so often.

I am now unable to change a page’s width because some Default width is preventing my desired size.

Where are these settings?

Even the Cwicly docs themselves still refer to where the settings previously were:

I would really appreciate more clarity in the UI of the program. Why are these settings moved? It seems to become slowly more instead of less intuitive. Especially for more ‘casual’ users it is quite a surprise to find out a lot of changed stuff if you don’t use it every week.

Another example is that there is now a ‘container’ in every section. Why? If only I could understand. Previously I would just put stuff into a section, now it needs to go into a container, in a setting. Why?

Or, the design library. It used to have many templates all in one place. Now I cannot for the life find out where they all went.


Pages don’t have default widths in Cwicly.

Containers have a default width as specified here: Container - Documentation

If you are unhappy with containers, feel free to read the docs:

Best regards,

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thank you for your reply.
I must be dumb however because I can still not see from this how to change default width settings for all containers? Seems it’s only saying how to add specific settings for a specific container


Please try the Global Settings part in the docs: Container - Documentation

For specific blocks you are referring to: Container - Documentation

Best regards,

Hi. I found what you mean, but it is still not addressing my issue.

I want my page to be fullscreen, always, so not limited to a max width. I can’t find the setting where this max width is added to containers.

Technically I would have to go into Global Style settings for container and then apply a max width of 4000 or something, so that I can override the underlying max width of 1366 or something.

But I just want to remove the max width cap, not ‘remove’ it by overriding it with an extremely large max width


If you have no use for the Section - Container relation, I recommend using a simple div block and modifying its tag to suit your specific needs.

Best regards,

Ok. But would you be able to explain why there is the ‘container’ block added to any section? Is there a benefit to putting stuff in a container and not just a regular Div?


As mentioned in the docs, the Container block helps you keep your content organized in the center of the screen with preset styles that you can modify.
This is more general to web development.

Best regards,

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