Darkmode controls

Hello @Louis
Regarding darkmode, would it be possible to add dark mode controls to cwicly settings?

It would be nice to be able to switch between automatic / manual mode - to force dark / light.
For example when client wants to have always shown his website in light mode first and let user to switch if desired.


Hi there @JohnySvitana,

is this what you are looking for?


Hello no,
this is good to control certain elements.
But lets say that I want all website to be by default dark mode regardless of what mode the user has sat in their system.

Basically i want to set up default mode and be able to disable automatic behaviour.

Hi @JohnySvitana,

I’m not sure if I understand you correctly, but could two sets of global colors solve this problem?

For example, by simply swapping the color groups?

But I haven’t tested this yet, as the global color groups don’t work at the moment (1.4) :thinking:


Hello for example i have a client that has light theme as a default for last 5 years and never before had dark mode.

Yes, she is aware of automatic selection based of OS prefrences.
But she wants to display always light mode as a default regardless of user OS setting.
So I would like to have that option to disable automatic dark / light mode switching based on OS settings and set my light mode as default for all users.

But in a sence you are right it could work. But it is not clean.
I would rather have this option in settings 2 toggles - automatic mode on / off - and if off than what mode should be as default.

And i think that i put this in wrong category - this should be feature request :smiley:


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