Cwicly with WPMUDEV hosting

Hello has any of you experience with WPMUDEV hosting? I have a lot of bugs coming out:

Once I add a class and save the page. The CSS seems to not load. After refreshing the admin there are no styles inside the class anymore.

Also, the fonts are not loading.

Does any of you have this issue?


Hello @petrbilek,

I’m sorry to hear this.

I do wonder if this doesn’t have something to do with REST API or something of the sort as we did have a user that experienced a similar issue in the past with WAF blocking some specific API requests.

I recommend contacting them, as I know they are very prompt, and see if this is the issue.

If not, please let me know and I will investigate further.

In any case, I will contact them on my side to see if we can set up some sort of whitelisting.

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Well I May try to contact them As their support is outstanding. However I am moře designér than developer. Could anyone wrote mě some message which I May get them?

Thanks,P. :rofl:

Just letting you know it was WAF blocking the font and style request. All have ben allowed and works smoothly. Thank you for your help :wink:

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Hi @petrbilek,

Great to know it’s working, thanks for letting me know.

Will get in touch with them to see what we can do to help future users on WPMU hosting.

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Thank you for your interest :pray:

So the problem it’s still here. I have sent you a copy of the conversation with their support team. Maybe you’ll find something interesting in the conversation, which may help you.

Hello @petrbilek,

Apologies for the delay.
Your forward unfortunately went to our spams.

Could I possibly ask you to send temporary access to so that we can check out what is going wrong exactly?

Thanks in advance.

Not sure if the problem is still there.

But you have to turn off all caches when using wpmudev and developing first. Dont know about their awesome Quantum hosting, but if you have the cheapest package 12 usd or so - just ask support to turn off all caching. And when finished turn it on. Also do not use a caching plugin at the same time you are using their own caching solution, which is awesome. Deactivate the hummingbird plugin and deactivate static cache in the admin panel. And refresh your browser, clean cache.

Let me know if it works.

Find out it works like charm. You are using WPMUDEV?
Thank you btw.

Glad it worked out.

I have tried it. But not the Quantum hosting, though.

The support at WPMUDEV is amazing. It is outstanding. I can honestly say out of all I have tried, the support they offer is the best ever. Worth the hosting fee itself. 12 dollars is basically still too much if what the client needs is a standard landing page/brochure site, that only takes up like 200 MB all in all. And cpanel/litespeed is just an awesome combo for the price. But the Quantum thing is probably a winner strategy from their site. The 12 usd-plan is not worth it if you only need Quantum hosting.

Do not know whether you are aware. If you buy the 12 usd-plan, you can actually install a multisite and the PRO plugins from wpmudev can be used on the entire installation. Just saying … :slight_smile:

I am curious, though.

  1. Which caching solution is best ? Have you tried it ? It is either Hummingbird or or their own static cache.

  2. Can you throw all of their own plugins at it without slowing down the site ?

Honestly I have been testing the 12 USD hosting. What I love is the ability of easy manging of updates for the site. What’s more the support is so awesome. I have still did not decided if I will use it or not.

  1. I have tried hummingbird and it has running to issues with Cwicly styles (not loading after refresh and also svgs which has been loading wrong)

  2. I have been using their Smush image optimalization plugin (works like charm - with CDN it’s good combo). Also tehir Security and SEO plugin works well (very easy to set-up and not so complex to work with newbie).

Deactivate hummingbird and use their static cache. Hummingbird is more for specialized caching strategies I think.

Oh my, their support … Just awesome.

Try their Forminator-plugin. All their plugins are so good. But not cutting-edge.

I am jumping from the Webflow for my personal site. As I needed so much payed addonos and it has started to be total hardcore to paying those bills :smiley: