Cwicly - Update 1.2.9 - WooCommerce: Let's discourse

Greetings to all lovely Cwicly family.
I tried replicating what Louis did in Cwicly - Update 1.2.9 - WooCommerce demonstration but at some point, my build was hitting some iron-like :smiley: concrete wall.
I decide to import the Berry Archive and Berry Single to see what went under the hood.
Have you tried it? What are your challenges? Let us discuss them here.
I encountered some challenges but these few may resolve others if solved-

  1. The import did not render clearly as it did on Louis’s Cwicly workspace and frontend.
  2. The archive does not link to the single product page.
  3. Couldn’t find the template that controls Favourites and how to go about the template linking.
  4. I could not access “You might also like” from Woocommerce using GTM datalayer. (Proper integration is needed for ecommerce data marketing.)
    Kindly assist with what I may not be getting right
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Hi Tony.
I’ve been playing around a bit myself with the latest update, 1.2.9 and… probably due to my unfamiliarity with the builder (for now… heheh) i think i hit the same concrete wall as you.
Since i couldn’t find any step-by-step suggestions to guide me in building the two templates (on the same night that the update was released), i went by intuition but… had to give up because of my lack of knowledge of Cwicly.
Looking now though, i found the instructions for creating the single product page:

In any case, i will continue to study the topic because I consider it the most intriguing new thing in the WordPress universe! :slight_smile:
However, since i have to do a redesign of an ecommerce already in production and can’t experiment too long, i guess i will use other solutions for this time.

Waoo, I didn’t see the docs before now. It is quite helpful.

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Hi @Tonygreat,

Thank you for creating this topic, feedback is important to us! :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear you hit a concrete wall.

  1. Are you specifically speaking about the Popover cart? If yes, please make sure to link it, when imported, to your cart. As Louis had said on the Facebook group, unfortunately, we ran into an issue with the popover block that currently can’t be linked to its trigger when uploading to the Design Library.

  2. An archive page product should normally link to a single product page with the dynamic “Post URL” link type. If you are experiencing trouble with this, could you possibly detail your issue? Thank you.

  3. With 1.2.9 we haven’t yet come out with our integration for Favourite pages. This will come with the next instalments of WooCoomerce.

  4. The third party plugin will have to deal with that, not Cwicly.

Please let me know if that helps!

Hi all,

I “played” also around for the last days on a local install with the Berry archive & single page, but stumbled on some points:

  • In the Woocommerce video, Louis shows the variable options, see here, Cwicly - Update 1.2.9 - WooCommerce - YouTube
    Made some variable products, but as example, when you choose another color, the image doesn’t change.
  • Filters doesn’t show, they keep loading, see screenshot.
  • Cart pop-up doesn’t render as in the example.

@Araminta , @Louis
Suggestion: make a downloadable example ‘Cwicly Woocommerce demo site’ for this. With the free plugin “All-in-One WP Migration” everybody can use it.

Is your variation product set up with a specific image for the specific variation?

Is Frontend Rendering enable on the Query?

Have you set the trigger to the cart element? We currently can’t set it up from our side, but it takes one click to set it up from the user side (Popover block).

Is your variation product set up with a specific image for the specific variation?
** Yes, when I use the “standard” Woocomerce layout it show the variable images

Is Frontend Rendering enable on the Query?
** Tried both, with and without

Have you set the trigger to the cart element? We currently can’t set it up from our side, but it takes one click to set it up from the user side (Popover block).
** Yes

What about the downloadable ‘Cwicly Woocommerce demo site’ suggestion?

Hey @dennis77,

Thanks for the details.

This does sound unusual, and I can understand your frustration.

What we’ll do is update the Cwicly sandbox and add WooCommerce. I’ll then set the design template on it and share the installation here.

How does that sound?


That sounds perfect! Your feedback~actions are much appreciated!

Thank you,

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Excellent Idea. It will make the feedback more robust. A win-win for the producer and the consumer.

Hi Louis (and the whole Cwicly team).

If I may make a suggestion, I would not just update the Sandbox (which is very useful to understand how it works).

I would also create “Starter Templates” (as others already do, such as Kadence or Blocksy) that can be easily accessed in a section of your site. It can also be an opportunity for more sales of your products.

Clearly showing the many potentials of Cwicly will help not only existing customers (like us) but also all those who have a curiosity that has not yet been converted into a purchase.

You have a truly excellent, one-of-a-kind product. Show it more! In my opinion it will be useful to many! :slight_smile:

Is it possible to have pre-installed template sites that we could look at on InstaWP? So we could select a particular install (Woo or not) and see the pieces in play. With the dynamic data, it’s hard to really get a feel for how the parts come together when we grab from the cloud library.

I learn visually, and seeing how you put things together would help me tremendously.

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