Cwicly - UI/UX Improvements Suggestions

Is it? How can it be improved?
Your suggestions must have been lost between all the

lot lot lot lot lot
very very
slow and annoying

But no worries, I got you covered:
Make background source more accessible - Feature Requests - Cwicly

I kindly invite you to add your thoughts there.
Hopefully, we ultimately can escape from this nightmare together :crossed_fingers:

You are that focussed on individual clicks that you lose any relation to where these clicks are required. Yes, clicks should be reduced where possibile, but

Clicks ≠ Clicks.

The answer is Components.
Your client doesn’t need to know anything if you take care of it. It’s up to you to make your clients life easy.

Swinging the wrecking ball without a tiny hint of improvement suggestion is really poor.
If you want to help make things better, just make a little effort, not a rant.

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