Cwicly the best “page builder” ☺️

Hi everyone I’m so excited to say that in my humble opinion Cwicly is the best solution for Wordpress page building.

Didn’t realize that Gutenberg would ever be something for me. But Cwicly change my perspective on this topic. I have tried many builders and still own Ltd licenses but must say that Cwicly has become my first choice. The power of Cwicly is incomparable to other site builders on the marker. Cwicly gives full control on almost any element. I was looking for something that could give me this much power and control over my design. Dynamic Data, Conditions, Query (which is among the best in Cwicly), Custom Fonts, Relative Syling etc amazing :star_struck:

Hope Cwicly will grow and grow and become one of go to choices for agencies, freelancers and enthusiasts in web development.

When that’s said I want to give :metal:to the Cwicly team for listening to the community. Amazing how things get fixed very fast.

Thank you :pray: for providing us this great tool :kissing_heart: