Cwicly licenses with Cloudways Staging + Live server

The host I use, Cloudways, has a live instance plus a staging instance. I need to have Cwicly on the staging server for obvious reasons. With my Base subscription of 3 sites, how can I make sure that the staging site doesn’t act as one of my 3 licenses?

I am testing with a staging server now and Cwicly sees that as a license. When I go live with this site, will it extend that license to the live site?


Hello there @jtk,

I’ll have a look into this as those staging domains shouldn’t be counted in the license attribution.
I’ll get back to you as soon as we have something sorted out, thanks for bringing this up!

@Louis Can you also mark .test tld as non countable against the license? It cannot be registered as a domain. .test - Wikipedia

I use a software called Laragon for local testing environments and the test site is called like this cwicly.test. Laragon - portable, isolated, fast & powerful universal development environment for PHP, Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby.

There is another software called local which uses the domain tld .local. Such tld domains should not be counted towards our license allowing the testing / staging environment to function properly.

I am not sure if it’s counted or not.



Hi @anon32808828,

In this specific case, it is not counted.
For a more general list of domains that aren’t counted in the license:

  • localhost
  • *.dev
  • .*local
  • dev.*
  • staging.*

Louis, did you manage to include the Cloudways staging in the list?

They always look like



This would be nice. I have multiple dev sites going at any one time on Cloudways. Not that it’s a big deal anymore since I have 1000 sites, and now the 100 LTD, but still…

Hello @pixel and @owynter,

Thanks for bringing this up again. and domains have been added to the list of development domains and should no longer be counted as production installations.



That’s great to hear. Thank you Louis

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Awesome stuff. Thanks so much Louis.

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My favourite is ddev and it uses * for local sites by default.