Custom transition-timing-function values

I second this, very needed and essential:

  • when you use CSS variables to have consistent behaviour across whole site
  • when you need to do calculations

I have the same request for box-shadow since current solution doesn’t allow CSS variables, it just parses pasted text to inputs.

An additionnal real free text input for the whole property would be the best.

Maybe with a switch like basic/advanced which would show/hide separate number inputs / free text input?

NOTE that the box-shadow paste/parse mechanism is brilliant and is probabhly OK for most people, but it is not enough when using some framework or sitewise transitions/shadows.

So, an hybrid solution could be worked out:

  • add additional text input field to transition/box-shadow (with basic/advanced switch or not)
  • allow var or calc in ALL inputs (including number inputs)
  • if global free string property can be parsed into each number input, do it
  • else just keep the whole free string
  • then stay in sync between both types of inputs when possible :wink:

It might require some really complex regex stuff, though, but CSS does it :wink:

So maybe just a free text input and no parse/sync would be OK?

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