Custom Template Page add to Menu

I am assuming it is not possible to add a Custom Template Page (created in the Cwicly themer) to a Traditional Wordpress Menu. Or am I missing something?

Ideally, a template must be created for design and structure, and based on the template you can create pages that can be used in the menu.

@hopscotch, as @yogi alludes to, you can create a new page and specify a given template for it in the Cwicly themer using the Visibility conditions:

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 17.26.25

Apologies for the late reply @yogi and @StrangeTech. I was trying to understand the intended workflow for FSE with Cwicly. Your explanations are most helpful.

Now to clarify, you create a traditional page with no content. Then you create a Template in Cwicly Themer and set show conditions for it to show on the blank traditional page you created. I assume you are creating Template Parts for your footers and headers and place them within each Template ‘page’?

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Yes, depending on your requirements you can add the template parts directly to the templates OR you can use Template Fragments and specify visibility conditions for more flexibility.

Doing it the latter way allows you to be more targeted in which pages you add the parts and allows you to modify this later from a single place without having to edit all of the individual templates, so it may be a better option for some websites.

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Now with Wordpress FSE it seems as if it is all done within Templates and Template Parts. No Pages. That is what throws me off. I currently use Template Parts for Headers and Footers, and repeatable elements in the website so I can edit them in one location. I try to use the Templates, to add my Template Parts because the Fragments conditions once they become complicated they don’t operate correctly.

For example when I had several conditions for the Maintenance and Coming Soon Templates. I wanted to have management view the full website with a login as the Coming Soon Template was up for the public.
@Marius may I ask what is your work flow with Cwicly Templates?

@hopscotch One workaround that I tried is using URL parameters

Now appending the URL parameter to the link I was able to load the desired template. This link with the URL parameter can be used in a menu as a custom link or as a button.

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