CSS editor closes when selecting code?

When I tried to select code in the CSS editor, it would sometimes close.
I was not able to reproduce this error during the recording so I was not able to find an exact reason for it.
This happened several times and I think mostly when I had an incomplete line (error) and wanted to select that line. Plus I left my curser within the limits of the editor!


WordPress version: 6.2.2
Cwicly Plugin version:

Hi @T-low,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this error on my end.

Could you possibly share more details on:

  • Does this error exclusively happen in the global class > custom CSS code editor?
  • Have you experienced this issue in all editors (post/page, template, template part editors)?
  • Do any errors appear in your browser console log?
  • What browser are you currently using?

Thank you in advance.

Well, I forgot to stop a recording and that’s where I just caught the possible bug :sweat_smile:

CSS Editor Bug

In the first case, I selected the code (all) and then left the editor area and pressed delete.

The second case I selected the code (with: fit-content) and released my left mouse button outside the editor and then it closed.

The third case repeated the second.

Hi @Araminta,

I’m not sure where I reproduced this error, but I can confirm that it occurs in the Cwicly Template Parts area. I think it happens most of the time when the left mouse button is released in the red area of the image below when selecting code.


Browser: Firefox

Hello @T-low,

Thank you for the details.

I can confirm this behaviour, although specifically related to Firefox.

I’m not able to reproduce the issue when kept within the code editor, your screenshots show the same. Can you confirm that you don’t encounter the issue when keeping your selection within the code editor?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Louis,

I thought so but I could only reproduce the bug when the cursor left the editor.

Hello @T-low,

With the new breakpoints implementation, I cannot reproduce this on my end any longer.
Moving to Fixed Bugs.

If you still encounter trouble with selecting code, please let me know by replying to this thread.


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