Copying blocks with shells from one site to another does not copy shells


Shells are very useful for grouping tailwind classes semantically. When copying blocks that use Shells from one site to another, we would expect that these Shells are retained, but when pasted they just turn into empty Shells.

We also tried creating identically named shells in the new site but it appears they are not identified by their name but likely by an internal ID.

Effectively, it seems there is no easy way to copy Shells from one site to another, which means copy/pasting tailwind content that uses Shells is not a quick process.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.5
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for bringing this up.

Indeed, this is a current limitation with the Shells implementation.

An import/export of Shells will be provided, alongside the attachment of used Shells only when copying a specific block.


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