Copy & Paste Images to the post is not working with Cwicly

I often create short tutorials (how-to articles) for myself & work. I took screenshots of my desktop and pasted them to the block (a paragraph block, which is the default block in Gutenberg).

After installing Cwicly, I noticed copy & paste images are no longer working. All my screenshots must be:

  1. saved first, and
  2. I have to upload them to the media library,
  3. then insert them into the post (with image blocks).

I found these 3 additional steps are not intuitive, and I should be able to copy & paste it like before (without the Cwicly plugin).

Can the Cwicly team look into this? I’m unsure if this is a bug or a limitation in Cwicly. Is there a workaround? I don’t want to do extra steps whenever I want to copy & paste my screenshots. I took a lot of screenshots when creating a post/page.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  • Create a new or edit a page/post.
  • Take a screenshot of your desktop (I use the Snipping Tool app in Windows)
  • Paste it to the post/page. And you will notice that you can’t paste the screenshot to the post/page

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.3
  • Cwicly Theme version: 1.0.3
  • Cwicly Plugin version:


Hello @manuhal,

Thanks for the report and detailed explanation. I’m very sorry for the trouble here.
You are absolutely correct, one of our file rules is currently overzealous and overriding this specific feature.

We’ll make sure to fix this in the next update.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Thanks for the quick response. I really appreciate it :+1:

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Hello @manuhal,

Thank once again for your report and for your patience!
This should be fixed in

If you still experience trouble, please don’t hesitate to let me know by replying to this thread.
