When I copy the block styles via the context menu in the Navigator I don’t get a “Paste” optione when I want to paste the styles in another block.
In the screenshot I copied the styles from Heading H1 and try to paste them in Heading H2. Here I am trying this inside of a component. But outside of a component the same problem is present.
This solves the problem for me. I couldn’t use the block toolbar because I set some blocks to Visibility:Hidden by default. And then there is no block toolbar when slecting it in the navigator. So I had to make it visible to paste the styles.
And oh my… I’m missing the function to copy block styles to class styles since the first day using cwicly but didn’t take my time to dig into it Didn’t realize it is so well hidden in the class dialog and only on mouse over . I would have proposed to have it in the block panel somewhere obvious: