Connected class names in DOM

Hello i have found out that after last update my navigation got broken - some styles applied just to certain nav items. (with no change on my part) After closer inspection i figured it out.

There are classes without space so styles are not applied. It is not happening with every link which is weird. But here is a screenshot.

When I add space like this

Everything works. I dit not used any custom classes or css. Everything is native cwicly.
I did regenerated html and css, didnt help.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.3.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

The additional styles are coming from the menu itself. By default the initial space is included.

Note: If you donā€™t see this, go to Screen Options at the top right and enable the ā€œCSS Classesā€ option:

Thatā€™s the actual issue. There shouldnā€™t be an initial and mandatory space. Whatā€™s the point?

I agree, even though this may be a WordPress issue, it should be straightforward to add one as needed on the Cwicly side to protect against the removal of the space if they choose to do that.

I think that for now it is good solution quick fix. But I think that this is just some typo.
I can imagine that it should be quick fix.

Thatā€™s my thoughts as well, but canā€™t imagineā€¦
I do however appreciate the fact that the recently added WP default menu item classes can still be removed.

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Yes! Very good point.

I assigned a class to a menu item in the WordPress menu and wanted to style it in the Cwicly scss panel but is not detectableā€¦

It seems like Cwicly is not detecting the Class from the WordPress Menu Item

When I add the class header-cta on the menu item (WordPress, see picture) when inspecting the class, it merges with the Cwicly class and results in .cc-nav-menuheader-cta

If I add a space before typing the class in the WordPress menu when inspecting is the class is added correctly (like in the screenshot) but it cannot be detected by Cwicly

Duplicate of: Connected class names in DOM


Thanks so much for the report.

A space is included by default by WordPress.
We will add a check so that there is no inconsistency if the space has been removed by the user.

The missing menu classes in the editor will also be added.

Best regards,

Hi @JohnySvitana and @Titus,

Thank you both for reporting this!

This should now be fixed with 1.3.3:

Kindly let us know if this is fixed on your end.

Thank you in advance.