Components & Tailwind - Spotlight #3 - Live

Reminder :point_down:

We’re going live today in just a few hours! :red_circle:

Join Louis for an exciting Cwicly Spotlight featuring a sneak peek at components and tailwind :mirror_ball:

:link: Components & Tailwind - Spotlight #3 - Live - YouTube
:alarm_clock: 2 hours to go, 6pm CEST


Hi Louis,

Just want to congratulate you and your fantastic team for a job well done in introducing your plans for Tailwind CSS during the Live YouTube stream today.

I have been struggling with the best way to revamp my tooling and my workflow in a way that brings me into the Gutenberg ecosystem and away from page builders.

I really enjoy working in Cwicly as much as I enjoy working in Oxygen, except that Cwicly is firmly grounded in the WordPress Blocks/Gutenberg/FSE ecosystem and thus well-aligned with the future of WP.

Also, with Cwicly’s Tailwind integration, you open up the potential for easily integrating Figma into the workflow thanks to the Figma ecosystem of UI components and design systems that are based on Tailwind.

How about this - wireframing, prototyping and designing in Figma using Cwicly-friendly Tailwind components, then export from Figma to WP as Cwicly-ready blocks for final stages of development. I get very excited about this scenario! :grinning:

Anyway, don’t want to go on and on about it…just want to say - thank you! :pray:t5:




So excited to try out the tailwind integration and the design library it sounds like we’ll have access too.

  1. Louis - on my screen it was a bit hard to see at 1080 what was going on with the split screen view (with you on the left) and it seems to be glitchy for me when watching the replay. Maybe that is just me but not sure. It was much smoother and easier to see when at the 58:00 mark and just the screen only with everything larger

  2. For writing the Tailwind classes, from my experience it would be really helpful to write them all in the one text field and be able to remove in the 1 text field if possible?

  3. I’m jumping the gun here, but I am wondering. Say we add the following to all our sections

but then wanted to update sm:pt-24 to sm:pt-32 for sections across our site

would we need to edit each section individually?

** lol I wrote this at 1:25:00 and then at 1:28:00 you mentioned global class groups which would solve this issue. Really cool!


Ooooh maaaan! :frowning: I missed the announcement again! :sob:

+1 for your 2nd point. It is quite necessary to add or remove classes quickly with just writing them down in a textarea.

Will it be possible to paste in HTML-Code with Tailwind Classes, that will be automatically added as Blocks?

Nevertheless I like the new Tailwind feature very much. Can’t wait to try it out.


Would’ve loved to attend the stream but a higher power decided for me against it, moments before the live started.
Just catched up now and got very excited as well. The way new features get implemented, it still amazes me.

You know, it’s one thing to make something available and integrate it natively in the tool. But, from a users’ perspective, working with it efficiently, also inside an intuitive and unified interface - without sacrificing functionality… I think that’s the actual challenge (and where vast majority of other tools unfortunately fails big time, for several reasons).

As soon as it’s possible to export entire sites, and after adding some powerful related features on top of it, Cwicly could easily be (at least one of) the best visual builder(s) for static sites/projects too.

I’ll hold myself back until I got familiar with the upcoming features before sharing some impressions.
One thing though. Please make it possible to categorize and/or tag components. The lack of that option was already a KO-criteria for me to not use the Cwicly Collection, Reusable Blocks, etc.
I’ve seen that a search is already in place, that’s great!

Thanks as always to the entire @team for all the efforts.


I’m absolutely not familiar with Tailwind. It seems great, but while scrolling through their site, I saw that a lifetime subscription costs €249. What kind of access will Cwicly provide?

Hey @weedor.

Tailwind CSS as a framework is free and always will be. What you are referring to is Tailwind UI which basically is just pre-built designs based on the Tailwind CSS framework. Using Tailwind in Cwicly and anywhere else doesn’t cost you anything.


Thanks @Marius
So I am impatient to test it !!!
The @Louis’s spotlight whetted our appetite!


Thank you everyone for the great response to yesterday’s Spotlight, this just gives us that extra boost! The feedback we’ve received has been extremely helpful.

@webworx, thank you so much for your kind words and input. It warms my heart to see that you’re able to integrate Cwicly into your workflow and can see where we’re heading.
A Figma integration is definitely something we’ll consider down the line, it almost seems inevitable :slight_smile:

Thanks for remarking on that, @grantambrose. My apologies for the stream quality that may vary. We’re doing our best to get the optimal output here, although our connection does suffer from time to time due to our location. I’ll definitely put more focus on the screen next time round, although I do like being centre stage :wink:

Definitely. I didn’t mention it, but the search bar will allow you to simply write multiple classes out and will automatically parse them into Tailwind classes (or global etc…).

:+1: This is something I’ve used quite a bit on different frameworks, so it will find its place perfectly within Cwicly.

This was essentially what has been blocking us from pasting HTML into Cwicly (we tried it out, it ended up being too much hassle to put the CSS together). Tailwind removes all that trouble, so definitely on the roadmap.

Thank you for your kind words, @Marius, means a lot!
Interesting point about categorisation/tagging. I’d love to know what’s your preferred sorting (checkbox, selects etc…).


if this is possible it would be great to have that whole ecosystem with figma and cwicly :grinning:

Hey Caeto,

Absolutely!..I intend to acquire a deeper understanding of how all the puzzle pieces would fit together to accomplish an integrated workflow from Figma to editing in Cwicly. I may be naive here but it seems to me that Tailwind CSS is the “connective tissue” that facilitates making this happen.

Can we expect the Tailwind integration anytime soon, like in the next month or so?
I’d love to deep dive into components, but this piece is still missing for me :raising_hand_man:

Hi @Marius,

Thank you for your question!

Currently, our dev team is in the final stages of completing our grid editor feature.

Once that’s wrapped up, our immediate focus will shift to finishing the Tailwind integration.
If all goes according to plan, Tailwind by Halloween :ghost: :jack_o_lantern:


Waiting for Tailwind integration. :dotted_line_face:

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That’s perfect, the colour system release was a big step towards it :wink:

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Happy Halloween… :jack_o_lantern:
We are waiting for a gift… :wink:

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leading leaders :+1:

Reeeealy looking forward to Tailwind release! :smiley:

Hi @Araminta - are we getting close to release of Tailwind integration now? Thanks :slight_smile: