Components doesn't work in (woo)templates

Hey there,

when placing a Component in a Template-Part like header or footer it works perfectly fine. But I’ve added a custom Template in the “general” section for my mini-cart.

Not sure why, but when adding there a component it doesn’t show up in frontend!


Hello @Wolfgang,

Thanks for the report.

Just to make sure we are on the same page.

If I’m not mistaken, you have added the component to a Template Part?
This Template Part is then attached to a Template, which doesn’t appear on the frontend?

Thanks in advance.


Hey @Louis,

yes…I’ve added that Component to a template part and that template part is added to all of my sites using a “fragment” in the footer. Sorry for not mentioning that! :wink:


Hello @Wolfgang,

Thanks for the details.
So this component is not displaying when you are on a WooCommerce template?

I’ll set up a test-case tomorrow as I’m not able to reproduce this currently.

Thanks in advance!


Yeah sorry, the title is maybe a bit misskeading xD … it is inside the cart context but shown on each page. The (woo) in the title referred more or less to the cart context (it’s been a long day …)

If you’d like to you can access the same site I provided you lately (the credentials are still valid)… when adding for example the button component and open the mini cart the button is missing there.

Hello @Wolfgang,

Thanks for the details.
Would this be in the Cwicly Cart Context within the Div block?

If so, this is a current limitation with Components and Frontend Rendering (will be addressed at the beginning of next year): Component not showing in Filter ~ Frontend Rendering - #6 by owynter


Hey @Louis ,

yes exactly the structure is as following:

<div> <!-- CART CONTEXT -->

Alright, I knew that it doesn’t work in frontend rendering…but for some reason I didn’t make the connection to the cart context there (at least I wasn’t even able to describe it correctly in first place xD).

Thanks for your clarification!
