Color modifiers don't change when light/dark modes are applied in the OS

I can set global colors with light/dark values, with palettes, and modifiers for transparencies and everything looks proper in the block editor when I use the light/dark mode toggle. When I go on the front-end, however, the colors set under the global color “modifiers” tab (transparent variations) don’t seem to swap to their dark mode variants when I change to dark mode on my OS.

I’m currently running the latest versions of Cwicly, MacOS, and Safari.

Hello @msguerra74,

Thanks for the report.

Are you only seeing this issue with the modifiers?
I’ve just tested it on my end and can’t reproduce the error.

This was normally fixed in Are you using the latest Cwicly version?


Yes, I’m on the latest everything. It seems to work as expected when I manually add the .dark class in the inspector on the front-end, but I was under the impression that the OS dark mode would automatically be detected and switch automatically? On my install, this doesn’t seem to be the case unless I’ve missed a toggle somewhere.

@Louis Nevermind, I figured out what was causing the issue. At some point in my experimenting, I created a toggle that added the “light” option to local storage, thus preventing anything from changing when I invoke dark mode. Now that I’ve deleted that, it works as expected. Thanks, and sorry for the confusion!

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Hi @msguerra74,

Thank you for confirming this, and bringing it to our attention!

We have plans to provide a way to reset the user’s preference, to make it fully manageable on the frontend.

Moving this to planned Feature Requests.

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