Client-First & Tailwind

When I was learning Webflow, before switching to WordPress , I found this classes & structure system, which is built around using utility classes, making projects scalable & organised. Is anyone familiar with it? I have no real experience with neither of them and I know it is a completely different thing as it is more of a “rules book”, not a framework, but maybe using it, but with Tailwinds utility classes & Cwicly shells could make a great desing system together? What do you think?


Hi @razin,

I like the spirit of having a consistent naming strategy.

At the same time the goals of Tailwind and Cwicly’s use of it seem to be antithetical to having extensive naming of custom classes as evidenced by the recent lives by @Louis.

For example, Tailwind already has its own naming strategy for its classes, so I am not sure how this would fit.

Also, having used Webflow for certain clients that were already using it, while I appreciated the user-friendly display of class names (with spaces), the rigidity of the implementation created unnecessary limitations for us, in contrast to how Cwicly allows developers to choose their own strategy.

Perhaps there are elements (such as the user-friendly class display for clients and non-technical editors) that can be beneficial to be added to Cwicly but it is not clear how the “Client-First” strategy linked could be applied wholesale.

Hey @razin,
I’m also spent much of last year planning on using Webflow before switching to Wordpress and Cwicly. Kevin Geary’s ACSS framework seems very much in the same vein as Client-First. Also, look into BEM, which is pretty standardized way to write CSS class names (and is what I’m assuming Client-First used as the basis of their class naming system). The Global Style panel in Cwicly also allows for an easy way to modify the base style of different HTML element, similar to what Client-First does (and Webflow now does natively with variables I think).