Change from Cwicly Theme to Cwicly Child Theme

Hi @Louis and @Araminta ,

I have a site i have already developed locally, but now i realize it would be better using a child theme. I want to change the theme to the Cwicly Child theme downloaded from: - Google Drive

I would like to know if there is a correct procedure to change to the child theme without loosing my settings or messing up my site.

Looking forward to a response.

Hi @zagency if the child theme is implemented correctly you will have no issues. If you do, just switch back to the Cwicly Parent Theme.

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A lot of care and attention needs to be taken when changing themes as the customisations (including templates) are associated to the active theme.

I don’t have time to give a step by step guide at the moment, but my top level recommendation would be to if possible replicate the site so you have a duplicate available.

This way you can copy the templates from the duplicate to the primary site after you change themes if needed and have it as a backup for any purpose you may need it.

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@StrangeTech Thank you for you response. I was able to successfully move from my parent theme to a child theme. If you could spare some time, could you please share some insights on the questions i asked here:

Looking forward to your response.

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Thank you @hopscotch

Like @StrangeTech said, whatever theme customization should be done on the child theme so that it is not lost on future theme updates.

Besides, Cwicly is Cwicly, why would you give it another name?
If you build a custom theme for your client, or a child theme over Cwicly, you can customize them as you wish (name ,folder, screenshot), but IMHO you can’t modify Cwicly itself.

If you really want to hide it, though, you should write a feature request for white labelling.

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