Change dropdown position of mega menu


Hi all, as per the video in youtube i have added a mega menu in a website, but when i changed the menu location to the right, the mega menu dropdown is showing in the left ? why is this happening. Is this a bug of a mega menu or something else.

Here is a Step-by-step process i have tried:

Created a mega menu nav bar

on display, it will show like this

is it possible to change the location to

Tried on a site

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.3
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hi @jhyaps,

I think there might be a slight confusion with the Placement parameter.

The dropdown’s positioning is relative to its trigger, meaning that it adapts its placement based on where the trigger is situated.
The Placement parameter provides you with various alignment options to choose from in relation to the trigger.

Here is an illustration of this:

In your case, you’ve selected ‘Placement > Bottom End’.
This choice means that the dropdown will position itself at the lower end of your trigger element.

However, if you’d like the dropdown to be centered directly above your trigger, you should opt for ‘Placement > Bottom’.

Conversely, if you want the dropdown to appear just before the start of your trigger, you should choose ‘Placement > Bottom Start’.

I hope this clears things up for you.

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thank you , I really understand now.

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