Cannot Save Setting and Regenerate the HTML

Currently I have an error that I cannot save settings and Regenerate the HTML. I have attached pictures below. Please help me fix this error

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Thanks so much for your report.

Would you be so kind as to check if there are any errors inside your browser console when saving the Index template?

This error usually suggests that their is an invalid block that cannot be recovered while saving/regenerating.

Best regards,

I used it before with almost no problems at all, but recently it’s been happening continuously
After checking I got this message

and this

I also got the same error when updating to the new version. I had to copy the website to the new website to fix it.

That’s right, this new version gave me a lot of errors


The error suggests an error with one of your blocks in a post.

What other errors are you experiencing?

Would you be so kind as to send temporary access details to We’ll be able to find where the issue is exactly.

Best regards,