Can we add a simple course on how to use WooCommerce

hello, Heroes

WooCommerce is fantastic, i have a project on it now,

i take a round of WooCommerce with cwlicy in day, still can not get it work,

can we add a simple course on how to use WooCommerce roughly? not for every detail, but to explain the concept


Hi @qiang814k,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with WooCommerce and Cwicly.

Be sure to take a look at our documentation where we detail how to set up:

If you think anything is missing, please let us know and we’ll consider adding it as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance.

I agree! I ended up having to use Blocksy because the need at that time was urgent.

thanks, Araminta. I will read through.
by the way, is there any reference on products listing page?

Glad that helped @qiang814k.

The Product Archive page documentation is currently in the works.
I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as it is made available.

In the meantime, is there anything specific that I can help with?

i do have some qustions, :rofl: i will send a email to you soon. thanks in advance.

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