Button with button tags not working


When i set a tag “button” to a button, which seems to be something logical, then the button doesn’t work. When i click on it, nothing happens whereas it’s supposed to link me to another page.

And if i remove the button tag, then it works perfectly.

Am i missing something ? are we not supposed to assign a button tag to buttons ?

Here is my site : https://dev.vivrotop.ch/

The contact button in the nav has a button tag and when i click on it nothing happens
The pink and blue buttons on the hero don’t have button tag, and when we click they work perfectly

i’m using Last version of WP and Cwicly

In case you are linking to another page, you want to make use of the a tag, instead of the button tag.
It’s the default tag when enabling a link, so no need to change anything here.


ok so i definitely missed a point !