Bug occurs when working with ACF Dynamic link in combination with Repeater block

Dear admin

After updating to the latest version of Cwicly, I’ve encountered an issue when working with ACF. Specifically, I’ve sent a video link for you to understand the issue better. The Repeater function is not working properly with the ACF plugin.

In particular, the Dynamic link is not functioning as intended. This issue only started happening in recent updates. Previously, I did not observe this phenomenon.

This is link youtube about bug:
Video bug when work dynamic link with repeater block

Thank you !

Hello @NHViet,

Thanks for the report and apologies for the trouble here.
This bug was introduced in the last update, we will release a hotfix later today.

If you need a fix now, please don’t hesitate to contact support so that they can apply the change manually.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Dear Louis

I have sent a support request Gmail. Please check it. Thank you!

Thank you for reaching out @NHViet.

As you mentioned by email that this was resolved on your end, I’ll move this report to Fixed bugs.
Should you encounter any more issues with this, please don’t hesitate to let us know by answering this thread.

Thank you.